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Collaboration Opportunities

Looking to get involved in research or community-based projects in support of soil health?

On this page you’ll find a variety of opportunities to participate in on-going activities and partnerships. Please reach out directly to the contacts provided for further information.


If you have a project that you would like to share, please contact for more information. 

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Building Knowledge About Phosphorus Stratification in Soil Health Systems

The University of Wisconsin - Extension's Water Quality Program is looking for participants to assist with obtaining high quality on-farm data to help improve understanding on how soil health practices impact soil phosphorus stratification. For more information or to participate, contact Chelsea Zegler at

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Producer Survey: Pollinator-Friendly Management in Dairy Farms

The Pollinator Partnership wants to hear your thoughts on the challenges and opportunities in including pollinator-friendly management practices on dairy farms. We're interested in your current management practices, interests and experiences, and also what barriers exist to incorporate pollinator-friendly management practices or pollinator habitat on your farm. The survey only takes about 10-15 minutes to complete. We will use the survey responses to help guide the development of resources to benefit dairy farmers.


Click here to access the survey:  Pollinator-Friendly Management in Dairy Farms - Producer Survey


For questions, or to provide input via a phone or email conversation, please email

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Building Knowledge about Wisconsin’s Cover Crops: A farmer research project

Kicking off a fifth year, the Wisconsin Cover Crop On-farm Data project is looking for participants that use cover crops to gather high-quality on-farm data to help improve understanding about the who, what, why, where, and when of cover crops. Visit the data dashboard for an interactive display of farmer generated data.


Register Here or reach out to Dan Marzu at or Mrill Ingram at with any questions or if you would prefer to sign up via email or by talking to a person.

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